Financial Donations

Every little bit counts and can go a long way to helping our friends. 100% of each donation goes directly to the cause.

Here are some examples of what your contribution can buy:

  • 3€ a warm meal for one person (We serve 50 to 150 people each time)
  • 5€ 10 pairs of socks
  • 15€ a sleeping bag or a pair of shoes

You can make a one-time donation or create a standing order.  Recurring donations are the best way to provide us with steady support (5€, 10€, 25€, 100€, 250€… per month).

  • Bank Details:

Belfius (Avenue de la Faculté d’Agronomie 12, 5030 Gembloux, Belgium)

IBAN: BE79 0689 0578 6633

Unless ASBL (Avenue des Combattants 70, 5030 Gembloux, Belgium)

  • PayPal:

>> Click here to donate via Paypal <<